The brand new Full Throttle pinball machine by Heighway Pinball has finally been released and it’s now on display in our showroom alongside some of the other pinball machines we have to offer. It’s currently the only place that you can view this machine and play it for yourself, so why not pop down to our new pinball and arcade machine showroom and check it out? It’s a supercharged, high speed pinball for a new generation of fanatics and is the first machine from the new UK pinball manufacturer Heighway Pinball.

Back in March this year, we visited Heighway Pinball for a tour around their factory and for some inside info on their first ever pinball machine called Full Throttle. We were shown around by the owner himself and got a good insight into how much work and thought actually goes into designing and making the pinballs. From building the wooden cabinet to carrying out detailed quality control checks - it’s all a very important process .
The company was created three and a half years ago by the company founder and CEO, Andrew Heighway. Alongside his expert team, he aimed to incorporate new technology such as high quality LCD screens and inductive sensor-switchers in order to make the most fun and reliable pinball machines on the market.
The demand for pinballs in 2015 is up by over 30% and is becoming a bigger games room trend amongst collectors and fanatics. Andrew Heighway told the BBC he thinks that pinball has increased in popularity due to new mobile and computer games, saying that "many of the kids that play them have probably never seen a real pinball machine. A whole generation has missed out - but thanks to these video games, there are plenty of kids that have been primed for the real thing.” The virtual games mainly focus on the classics, making them available to play on the go. We’re expecting to see a lot more pins from this great manufacturer over the next few years from their aim to produce three new titles per year. We’re excited to try these out in the future, especially the Alien themed pinball machine of which the prototype is rumoured to appear at this year’s UK Pinball Party.
Heighway Pinball’s Full Throttle is definitely an eye-catching addition to our showroom, with its full colour playfield-embedded LCD screen and bright RGB lighting that can be lit in up to 16 million different colours. We love the fact that the gameplay of this machine is really fast, making it almost impossible to take your eyes off of the game. This definitely reflects the main goal of the company to “make pinball mainstream again, by producing fun, innovative, reliable and affordable pinball machines, packed with the latest technology.”

If you’re interested in Full Throttle or would like to add it to your games room, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Home Leisure Direct. You can call us for free on 0800 622 6464 to speak to a member of our expert sales team who will be able to answer any questions or queries that you may have. We currently have the pinball machine in our showroom at the lowest price in the UK, so feel free to come and have a play!