EAG 2023 Expo

Posted by HLD 11 JANUARY 2023

EAG 2023 confirmed for second week of January - Coinslot International      


What a great place to spend a day at work! Some of our guys from Home Leisure Direct made their way to the EAG 2023 Expo at the Excel London to search out for the top new gaming and entertainment products on the market. It's safe to say they take their research very seriously.

Keep reading to see our Top 10 Best Finds from EAG Expo


The place was packed full of games, including nostalgic favourites and brand-new augmented reality products. The competitive juices flowed to find the fastest racer on the new Fast and Furious arcade machine. They even managed to get a game on the new and exciting 007 Pinball Machine which is so elite you'll need a wad of £25,000 in your wallet to be a proud owner. 


Our Top 10 Best Finds from the EAG Expo 2023

1. NBA Gametime

Get your game on with Ice's new interactive arcade basket ball game.

The much-loved basket ball game has been souped up by IceGame with the lastest tech including LED lighting, slam dunk sound effects and moving hoop.

What we love About It:

  • The opportunity to link up machines to play head-to-head with your mates
  • The moving hoop adds extra challenge to the game.
  • Choose from NBA branded or pick a team that you support.
  • Great for commercial venues as you can attach a coin mech or contactless reader and help increase customer spend. 



2. VR Agent

Get ready. Gear up. Eliminate the enemy.

 ImageSega's VR Agent – July 2022

SEGA's solution to attendant-free Virtual Reality arcade games is here. A fully immersive shooting game with the first-of-it's-kind VR headset and gun in one.

What We Love About It:

  • Innovative light-gun lowers down to players level with headset attached.
  • A sensor net also tracks the movement of the player’s body, translating that into the game. This allows you to lean around corners and immerse yourself into the action.
  • Each cabinet comes with two player stations and viewers can see what the player is doing in the game, encouraging others to want to play.
  • Air jet force feedback – blows a jet of air at you when you’re hit by an enemy!
  • Link 2 units together for 4-player excitement
  • 1 coin slot per side and card swipe compatible



3. Skills shooter

Level up your aim game with Skill Shooter by Electrogame.